WASHINGTON (AP) — Lawmakers are scrambling to ensure that the U.S. Secret Service has enough money and resources to keep the ...
During my time serving with state legislators, I remember sitting back on difficult days and praising God that there were ...
An interesting story revolves around s painting done by T.H. Matteson in 1848 called "The First Prayer in Congress." ...
Amid the chaos and devastation, something extraordinary happened — America came together, not just in grief, but in prayer.
While knowing how to act with creation can be clear for some, for others knowing the right thing to do can be fuzzy. Our ...
Once again, the grace of God spared the life of Donald Trump, the most persecuted President in American history. He has ...
But that doesn’t mean students can never pray while in school. The rule against organized school prayer is balanced by ...
Tarkmaneal Press announced the release of "An Early-Eighteenth-Century Hmayil (Armenian Prayer Scroll): Introduction, ...
Low-income families who are robbed of their grocery funds may no longer get reimbursed if Congress doesn’t act by Sept. 30.
The California-based Barna Group, which has polled American evangelicals since the 1980s, estimates, “Prayer is not only the ...
The overarching focus of the event was the “real presence”: talks, lectures, exhibitions, Masses, benediction, exhortations, ...
America's favorite podcaster priest will give the keynote talk at the Sept. 17 event in the Cathedral of Our Lady of the ...