The Liberal International Order (LIO) is no more. The days of intervening in foreign lands to protect ‘democracy’ is almost over. There is a difference between Isolationism and Realism. The ...
“away from the bipartisan consensus on liberal hegemony and towards a closer alignment between elite and public opinion.” This populist approach means more realism in foreign policy ...
Harsanyi, a columnist for the Washington Examiner, calls these new liberal crazies “BlueAnon.” They are the left-wing version of QAnon, the crazy far-right conspiracy nuts. Thus, there’s no ...
Moreover, with the ticket of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, the Ds have bolstered this pitch by marrying coastal liberalism with prairie progressivism. This union offers a powerful punch to the party ...
Regional slang and expressions often encompass colloquialisms, idioms and dialects unique to specific areas. For instance, ...
Most Americans haven’t heard of the post-liberal right, the small but influential group of conservative, mostly Catholic men who have declared that liberal democracy, the animating principle of ...
Young women are trending more liberal now than a decade ago — specifically on issues of abortion, the environment, gun laws and race relations — according to a Gallup study released Thursday.
The area has been a Liberal bastion, by and large, for decades. A diverse riding in Montreal’s southwest, it has a large anglophone population with strong Italian roots in some neighbourhoods.
In this article, Pannekoek talks about the seemingly unexplainable switch to the defense of imperialism by some left-radical Social Democrats and provides the reader with an explanation of it based on ...
and creating a substantial market for what National Review’s Michael Brendan Dougherty calls pro-life “realism.” The difficulty is that nobody can yet fully agree on what incrementalism means.